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Sunday 3 March 2013

Meh Crazy Friends :) Thats why we friends :D

So, yes this is LittleA and Wenlock, They Crazy Any They Know it!!


Chillin' with Friends While Being Bored :) 


Me And My Sister At My Home Disco, Anybody Who Wants to come its 1 auto for 2 hours. You Can Book Parties But Have To Message Me. Ba Bye!


Welcome + Rules. Read

Hello, This is Demi8241's fun blog, just want to say hiya and stuff. Tell Your Friends about it and become a follower :)  Or if you want to message me at demi8241 on moviestarplanet. Well We gotta say the rules now :(


•Never share passwords on this Blog!
•Don't Swear Or Hurt Peoples Feelings!
•Do Not!! under any circumstances bully!
• This blog is for kids over 4 years!